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conductor-csharp repository provides the client SDKs to build Task Workers and Clients in C#

The code for the C# SDk is available on Github. Please feel free to file PRs, issues, etc. there.

Quick Start

  1. Get Secrets
  2. Write workers
  3. Run workers
  4. Worker Configurations


conductor-csharp packages are published to nugget package manager. You can find the latest releases here.

Write workers

 internal class MyWorkflowTask : IWorkflowTask
        public MyWorkflowTask(){}

        public string TaskType => "test_ctask";
        public int? Priority => null;

        public async Task<TaskResult> Execute(Conductor.Client.Models.Task task, CancellationToken token)
           Dictionary<string, object> newOutput = new Dictionary<string, object>();
           newOutput.Add("output", "1");
           return task.Completed(task.OutputData.MergeValues(newOutput));

 internal class MyWorkflowTask2 : IWorkflowTask
        public MyWorkflowTask2(){}

        public string TaskType => "test_ctask2";
        public int? Priority => null;

        public async Task<TaskResult> Execute(Conductor.Client.Models.Task task, CancellationToken token)
           Dictionary<string, object> newOutput = new Dictionary<string, object>();
           //Reuse the existing code written in C#
           newOutput.Add("output", "success");
           return task.Completed(task.OutputData.MergeValues(newOutput));

Run workers

using System;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
using Conductor.Client.Models;
using Conductor.Client.Extensions;
using Conductor.Client.Interfaces;

using Task = System.Threading.Tasks.Task;
using Conductor.Client;
using System.Collections.Concurrent;

namespace TestOrkesSDK
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            new HostBuilder()
                 .ConfigureServices((ctx, services) =>
                    // First argument is optional headers which client wasnt to pass.
                     Configuration configuration = new Configuration(new ConcurrentDictionary<string, string>(), 
                 .ConfigureLogging(logging =>

    internal class MyWorkflowTask : IWorkflowTask
        public MyWorkflowTask() { }

        public string TaskType => "my_ctask";
        public int? Priority => null;

        public async Task<TaskResult> Execute(Conductor.Client.Models.Task task, CancellationToken token)
            Dictionary<string, object> newOutput = new Dictionary<string, object>();
            newOutput.Add("output", 1);
            return task.Completed(task.OutputData.MergeValues(newOutput));


Replace KEY and SECRET by obtaining a new key and secret from Orkes Playground

See Generating Access Keys for Programmatic Access for details./

    internal class WorkflowsWorkerService : BackgroundService
        private readonly IWorkflowTaskCoordinator workflowTaskCoordinator;
        private readonly IEnumerable<IWorkflowTask> workflowTasks;

        public WorkflowsWorkerService(
            IWorkflowTaskCoordinator workflowTaskCoordinator,
            IEnumerable<IWorkflowTask> workflowTasks
            this.workflowTaskCoordinator = workflowTaskCoordinator;
            this.workflowTasks = workflowTasks;

        protected override async Task ExecuteAsync(CancellationToken stoppingToken)
            foreach (var worker in workflowTasks)
            // start all the workers so that it can poll for the tasks
            await workflowTaskCoordinator.Start();

Worker Configurations

Worker configuration is handled via Configuration object passed when initializing TaskHandler.

Configuration configuration = 
    new Configuration(new ConcurrentDictionary<string, string>(), "KEY", "SECRET", "");

Registering and starting the workflow using SDK.

Below is the code snippet that shows how to register a simple workflow and start execution:

IDictionary<string, string> optionalHeaders = new ConcurrentDictionary<string, string>();
Configuration configuration = new Configuration(optionalHeaders, "keyId", "keySecret");

//Create task definition
MetadataResourceApi metadataResourceApi = new MetadataResourceApi(configuration);
TaskDef taskDef = new TaskDef(name: "test_task");
taskDef.OwnerEmail = "";
metadataResourceApi.RegisterTaskDef(new List<TaskDef>() { taskDef});

//Create workflow definition
WorkflowDef workflowDef = new WorkflowDef();
workflowDef.Name = "test_workflow";
workflowDef.OwnerEmail = "";
workflowDef.SchemaVersion = 2;

WorkflowTask workflowTask = new WorkflowTask();
workflowTask.Type = "HTTP";
workflowTask.Name = "test_"; //Same as registered task definition.
IDictionary<string, string> requestParams = new Dictionary<string, string>();
requestParams.Add("uri", ""); //adding a key/value using the Add() method
requestParams.Add("method", "GET");
Dictionary<string, object> request = new Dictionary<string, object>();
request.Add("http_request", requestParams);
workflowTask.InputParameters = request;
workflowDef.Tasks = new List<WorkflowTask>() { workflowTask };
//Run a workflow
WorkflowResourceApi workflowResourceApi = new WorkflowResourceApi(configuration);
Dictionary<string, Object> input = new Dictionary<string, Object>();
//Fill the input map which workflow consumes.
workflowResourceApi.StartWorkflow("test_workflow", input, 1);
Please see Conductor.Api for the APIs.