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Task API

Manage Tasks

Endpoint Description
GET {{ api_prefix }}/tasks/{taskId} Get task details.
GET {{ api_prefix }}/tasks/queue/all List the pending task sizes.
GET {{ api_prefix }}/tasks/queue/all/verbose Same as above, includes the size per shard
GET {{ api_prefix }}/tasks/queue/sizes?taskType=&taskType=&taskType Return the size of pending tasks for given task types

Polling, Ack and Update Task

These endpoints are used by the worker to poll for task, send ack (after polling) and finally updating the task result. They typically should not be invoked manually.

Endpoint Description
GET {{ api_prefix }}/tasks/poll/{taskType}?workerid=&domain= Poll for a task. workerid identifies the worker that polled for the job and domain allows the poller to poll for a task in a specific domain
GET {{ api_prefix }}/tasks/poll/batch/{taskType}?count=&timeout=&workerid=&domain Poll for a task in a batch specified by count. This is a long poll and the connection will wait until timeout or if there is at-least 1 item available, whichever comes first.workerid identifies the worker that polled for the job and domain allows the poller to poll for a task in a specific domain
POST {{ api_prefix }}/tasks Update the result of task execution. See the schema below.

Schema for updating Task Result

    "workflowInstanceId": "Workflow Instance Id",
    "taskId": "ID of the task to be updated",
    "reasonForIncompletion" : "If failed, reason for failure",
    "callbackAfterSeconds": 0,
    "outputData": {
        //JSON document representing Task execution output     


Acknowledging tasks after poll

If the worker fails to ack the task after polling, the task is re-queued and put back in queue and is made available during subsequent poll.